BGE’s Gas Training Program Fuels Fulfilling Careers

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Education Crew Workforce Development

Alvin Hancock grew up in East Baltimore, in communities that were “surrounded by drugs and gun violence.” He knew he wanted something different for himself. “I faced adversities and wrongful incarcerations. I aspired to be something better… and I wanted to do it while working in the neighborhoods I come from.”

Hancock’s aspiration led him to BGE’s Gas Training program, where he found common ground with his fellow students. “This program was located in and around my community. We had people attending from East to West Baltimore, all with similar backgrounds and an ambition to better their lives, regardless of mistakes made in the past,” Hancock says.

Today, he is proud to work as a BGE Gas Service Mechanic. Alvin’s days can be long. He starts early and ends late. Throughout the day, he walks into situations, assesses them, and addresses the issues. Alvin takes pride in being part of BGE’s teams. “I’m a part of a fearless group of men and women working to keep customers safe and in-service with speed and efficiency,” he says.

Alvin Hancock’s career success is a great example of how good energy put back into the community—through programs like BGE’s Workforce Development Collaborative, which was Hancock’s first step on the path to becoming Gas Service Mechanic—changes lives.

“I overcame being put into a box that society deemed for me,” says Hancock. “If you’re looking for a career you can be proud of and be properly compensated for, this is a path for you. A path where you can enter into the field and become whatever you want,” he says.

“BGE will help you and support you toward whatever goal you want to achieve. I want those same things for the next generation to come.”