Powering our Communities – how BGE focuses our corporate giving

Powering our communities is just the beginning. BGE considers it our responsibility to improve the quality of life for people in the communities where we live, work, and serve.

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BGE funds programs that deliver measurable, sustainable improvements in the communities we serve. To learn more, watch this video.


Luke Hancock, BGE’s manager of corporate social responsibility, explains the company’s giving focus areas


Corporate giving focuses on these four areas:

Building Exelon’s Future Workforce – BGE supports programs that teach students fundamentals of energy, build excitement for our industry, and spark interest in careers in energy, engineering, IT, and trade programs.

Energy Empowerment in Our Communities – BGE prioritizes programs focused on fighting the effects of climate change, the innovative use and promotion of alternative sources of energy, and environmental stewardship. We also work to sustain families and self-sufficiency by supporting programs to assist community members facing the most significant financial challenges and instability.

Enrichment Through Local Vitality – BGE’s priority focuses on supporting chambers of commerce and economic development organizations that are critical to the growth of job and income equity in our local communities. We also provide support to community anchors that educate and engage customers in building strong communities.

Equal Access to Arts and Culture – Arts and culture encourages rich and diverse engagement. BGE will fund programs that increase access to the arts for underrepresented communities, especially low-income students, individuals and families, senior citizens, and people with disabilities.

Click here to learn how to apply for a grant.