Hundreds turn out to turn inefficient air conditioners into cash

Customers from as far away as southwest Baltimore traveled to Bel Air to recycle their appliances

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Environment Smart Energy Community
Even a motorcycle was spotted!

The line of minivans, SUVs and sedans snaked across the parking lot of Bel Air High School and onto Heighe Street before 9 a. m. on a crisp, sunny Saturday morning. A steady stream of BGE customers were ready to drop off appliances from their loaded vehicles.

With assistance from Arco Recycling, customers unloaded window air conditioners and dehumidifiers to be recycled. They will receive $25 per unit.

Kia Bryant and her family drove from Pigtown in southwest Baltimore to hand over their window A/C unit. Bryant was attracted by the $25 incentive, but also appreciated showing her daughters how easy it is to be a good steward of the environment.

Payal Patel, program manager at ICF, BGE’s Smart Energy Savers Program partner, said many customers expressed appreciation for this effort, and specifically, its environmental focus.

Approximately 350 units were collected – since 2013, BGE customers have turned in more than 3,400 units at similar events, which has kept nearly 200 tons of recycled waste out of landfills.